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5-22-08 Hockanum River Commission Regular Meeting Minutes
May 22, 2008

Members Present:  David Cannell, Paula Flack, Anthony Hollister and
                            Kevin Riley

Members Absent:   Peter Klock, James Reik and Kenneth Sek

1.      Call to Order:
Mayor Melody A. Currey called the first meeting of the Hockanum River Commission to order at 6:05 p.m.

2.      Members Present/Absent:
        Noted above.
Also present:  Mayor Melody Currey, C. Roger Moss, Director of Parks and Recreation, Scott Hollister and Carol Noel, Acting Commission Clerk.

3.      Election of Chairperson:
        Motion by A. Hollister, second by D. Cannell to nominate
        Paula Flack as Chairperson of the Commission.
        Motion voted unanimously.
        Motion by K. Riley, second by A. Hollister to close nominations
        and elect P. Flack as Chair.
        Motion voted unanimously.

4.      Designation of Clerk:
        T. Lewis, Secretary in Mayor Currey’s Office will serve as Clerk of the
        Commission at a fee of $100. per official meeting.

5.      Discussion:
        a.  Purpose of the Commission
             1.  Community awareness.
               2.  Promote activities.
               3.  Clean river and trails.
        b.  Set Meeting Dates
             Quarterly:  Thursdays at the Community Cultural Center, Room 12
             Meeting dates set:        
             August 28 and November 20, 2008 and February 26, 2009.

6.      Budget:
        Goals and objectives for budgetary purposes to be address at a
        future meetings.
        Mayors Office to obtain temporary budget for Clerk, Supplies.

7.      Adjournment:
        Motion by T. Hollister, second by K. Riley to adjourn the meeting
        at 7:30 p.m.